eISSN: 1995-7262
print ISSN: 1995-7270
Samuel Olowookere Department of Community Health, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria Keywords: family caregivers, burden, ophthalmic patients Abstract BackgroundThe family provides support in the care of their ill members and suffers…
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Original Research: Burden of family caregivers of ophthalmic patients in a university teaching hospital in south-west Nigeria
Nse Ayooluwa Odunaiya Department of Physiotherapy, University of Ibadan Keywords: quality of care, health care professionals, perceptions, cardiac patients Abstract BackgroundHeart disease is one of the leading chronic conditions posing a…
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Original Research: Healthcare professionals’ perception of the quality of care of patients with cardiac disease in Nigeria: Implication for a clinical guideline, inter-professional education, and teamwork
Milagre Macuácua Federal University of Pernambuco, Graduate Program in Nutrition. Recife, Brazil Keywords: adolescent, food consumption, education, low income country, nutrition transition, socio-economic factors. Abstract BackgroundAssessing food consumption in adolescents is…
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Original Research: Dietary patterns and associated socio-economic factors in rural Mozambican adolescents
Wasiu Olalekan Adebimpe Department of Community Medicine, University of Medical Sciences Ondo, Nigeria Keywords: school children, obesity, risk factors, Nigeria Abstract BackgroundThe global prevalence of overweight and obesity in children is…
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Original Research: Prevalence and knowledge of risk factors of childhood obesity
Save Kumwenda Keywords: sanitation, guidelines, safety, pathogens, follow-up, risk, Malawi Abstract IntroductionIn Malawi, EcoSan sludge from ecological sanitation (EcoSan) latrines has been found to contain helminths, Salmonella and E. coli above…
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Original Research: Inactivation of pathogens in ecological sanitation latrines in Malawi: An observational follow up study
Jessie Khaki UNIMA, College of Medicine Keywords: postnatal care, Women, Malawi, demographic and Health Survey. Abstract IntroductionThe World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that every woman be checked after the delivery of…
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Original Research: Factors associated with the utilization of postnatal care services among Malawian women
Lucinda Manda-Taylor University of Malawi, College of Medicine Keywords: Editorial Abstract This is my “so long, farewell, au Wiedersehen, but not goodbye” editorial letter to you, our authors and readers of the…
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Editorial: So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, but not goodbye