Merve Osoydan Satici, Mehmet Muzaffer İslam, Gokhan Aksel, Serkan Emre Eroglu
Department of Emergency Medicine, Universty of Health Sciences Umraniye Research and Training Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
*Corresponding Author: Merve Osoydan Satici; E-mail:
Angina bullosa haemorrhgica is a relatively uncommon condition characterized by blood-filled subepithelial lesions in the oral mucosa that is idiopathic and not caused by a systemic disease or a hemostatic abnormality. Middle-aged and elderly patients are usually affected and lesions heal spontaneously without scarring. A rapidly expanding hemorrhagic blister in the oropharynx can induce upper airway obstruction, so recognizing the lesion as soon as possible is essential. Because of its rarity, we wanted to highlight a 42-year-old male patient who presented with hemorrhagic bullae associated with insignificant local trauma in the oral mucosa and to emphasize that Angina bullosa haemorrhagica is a rare but recognizable lesion that clinicians should be aware of.
Keywords: Angina bullosa haemorrhagica, Blister, Oral Hemorrhage