Ufuk ÜNLÜ1, Serkan YILDIZ2
- Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine,Tokat, Turkey
- Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey
*Corresponding Authors: Ufuk ÜNLÜ; E-mail:drufukunlu@gmail.com
We reported on 65 years old patient who has colon cancer and referred to our palliative care center with pain due to enlarging metastatic mass on the dorsal of the right hand. She had swelling and numbness on her jaw. Computed tomography (CT) scan was performed for mandible imaging and two pathologic fractures were detected on the right corpus and right condyle of the mandible. Clinicians should consider possible metastases for terminal stage cancer patients.
Keywords: Colon Cancer, Mandibular Metastasis, Pathologic Fractures, Condyle of Mandible, Palliative Care