Sebastian Okwuchukwu Ekenze
Sub-Department of Paediatric Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Nigeria
Keywords: chronic, bowel, obstruction
Bowel obstruction in early infancy may result from a variety of congenital anomalies involving parts of the small and large bowel. However, in infancy, chronic bowel obstructions from congenital or acquired stenosis of the colon are rare and can cause diagnostic quandary. We present two cases of an eleven-week old male and a nine–week old male with massive abdominal distension and features of chronic bowel obstruction dating from neonatal period. In the first case investigations were inconclusive and laparotomy revealed isolated stenosis of the ascending colon. In the second case colonic stenosis was suspected preoperatively and a barium enema done showed multiple colonic stenosis confirming our working diagnosis. The diagnostic dilemmas encountered in managing the first patient are discussed to highlight the need for high index of suspicion of this condition in infants with chronic constipation. The way experience in managing the first case influenced diagnosis of the second case is also highlighted.
Journal Identifiers
eISSN: 1995-7262
print ISSN: 1995-7262